Cleaner and Greener with USEON ECOFEL series XPS foam

The pressure to reduce carbon emissions and decelerate global warming has never been greater. Of course, there are opposing arguments about the causes of rising global temperatures and climate change, but irrespective of those differing views, we all have a duty to help improve our planet.

Contributing to a cleaner, greener environment is central to everything we do here at USEON. Our product development team have an intense focus, on offering extrusion technology solutions, that reduce energy consumption, improve production efficiency, and produce products that contribute to the global effort of improving the environment for future generations.

USEON’s target market, and our valued customers, are all active in this “green space”, either producing products that save energy, or recycling waste plastic, that is converted into products that also save energy.

One area where massive improvements can be made is loss of energy due to poor insulation in buildings. Foam produced from XPS (Extruded Polystyrene) using USEON’s ECOFEL system is providing a solution to this challenge.

As an example, energy lost through a building’s foundations, accounts for a huge percentage when compared with the other parts of the building such as walls or the roof. As a result, the foundations require efficient insulation to prevent this energy loss, in addition to preventing moisture penetration. XPS not only saves energy used for heating and cooling but it also strengthens the overall infrastructure, owing to its various properties such as high compressive strength and moisture resistance. Insulation foams produced using XPS are used in multiple energy saving applications especially in the construction of residential and commercial property. This is driving consistent growth for the XPS market, especially in developing countries.

The global market for extruded polystyrene (XPS) was estimated to be USD 5.5 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 6.7 billion by 2024. The use of XPS in developing countries, is is also creating growth opportunities, as large infrastructure projects are rolled out boosting economic growth and raising the populations living standards.

USEON’s XPS ECOFEL series is providing cost effective, and highly productive solutions, for customers in this global market. We help them to produce XPS insulation foam and create a greener environment through energy saving. Using our years of experience, we support many international companies in opening world class, and competitive, XPS manufacturing facilities. We have over 230 XPS Foam Board Production lines across the globe, reaching outputs of up to 3,000 kg/h, producing board width between 450mm and 1250mm.

XPS Lines to East Europe

XPS Line to East Europe

In June our team have been in East Europe commissioning 2 XPS Foam lines, TDS110-TDD300 1200kg/hr, TDS135-TDD400 2000kg/hr. At the end of July, the 3rd and largest line will be shipped, and our model TDS135-TDD500 can achieve an output of 3000kg/hr.

USEON not only provides solutions for XPS, but also across a wide range of polymers, including PS, PET, PLA, Graphite EPS, we offer full turnkey solutions to hundreds of global customers. We support our solutions with multilingual technical support and service and can offer this remotely if access is restricted due to Covid 19, or by sending engineers to your site.

In 2021, apart from East Europe, we’ve also sent a team of fully vaccinated technicians to Canada, and during their 3 weeks with the Canadian client, they installed one of our state-of-the-art Melt Blown Fabric lines, in addition to providing important training to the client’s local team. Their presence ensured successful commissioning of the line, and smooth ongoing production, which we have supported remotely since our team returned to base.

USEON is a responsible supply partner, and we back up our words with real action. We’re proud of our growing global reputation, and especially proud of our brave and highly capable engineers, who have continued to provide strong on-site support to our customers, during the global pandemic.


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