How to Configure Your XPS Production Line

Table of Contents

What you will learn inside this guide

XPS production line consists of

  • 7 components loss-in-weight feeding system
  • 7 components gravimetric feeding system
  • Auger feeding system
  • Modular design screw elements for twin screw extruder
  • Screw inside cooling

The first thing you will learn is output. Its importance including how much capacity will you need. For example, 500kg/hr. or 1.5 ton per hour, there is big difference when capacity varies and this guide will inform you on just that.

Next we will focus on the XPS production line, which consisted of feeding system, extrusion system, die, and downstream. Understanding this will allow you to make the best choices when considering your unique needs.


Normally XPS production line is a tailor-made one for individual request. So before your investment, you need to learn something about how to configure your XPS production line to get the most out of your investment.

XPS stands for eXtruded PolyStyrene. The first thing you got to know is the output. How much capacity are you looking for? For example, 500kg/hr or 1.5 ton per hour, there is big difference when capacity varies. Also, the output has some connections with your product category. Say, if the majority of your product is in 20mm thick, or less, I will NOT recommend you the line more than 300kg/hr. Vice versa, if you are going to produce XPS boards thicker than 100mm, I will recommend you the line more than 1000kg/hr, for the greater thickness requires bigger pressure gradient.

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